Day 2
After a great first day of juicing we started Day 2 with enthusiasm and energy until the detox symptoms began. Don't let this scare you off as it is part of the process of getting excess waste out! At times not pleasant, but a necessary part of healing when you accelerate the process by feeding the body with the right nutrients.
The Good News, it is a temporary state, for a long term goal and it does pass! This is not our first rodeo, so we knew it was coming and accepted the process. Believe me, the makes it easier to ride the wave, as long as you keep focussed on your end goal.
For me, it started at around 8pm while putting 2 toddlers to bed. I experienced an intense headache and some weakness while trying to read 'Where is the Green Sheep?'. I felt quite fatigued and groggy so drank more water, and the amazing Paulo handed me some crystal rock salt to place under my tongue to ease the headache and give me a boost.
I also used some acupressure and essential oils to ease the tension and change my focus, allowing me to breathe and relax. Within 30 minutes I felt a lot better and went to bed early. By the morning, the headache was almost 100% gone and by lunchtime non-existent.
Today's juices included some really green, chlorophyll rich herbs and veggies. By adding lemon to the green juice you also increase your absorption of iron within the body. This Alkalising green juice is so high in all your essential vitamins and minerals, it is a great blood building juice. I would have loved to have added some nettles and dandelion leaves, but will do this next time.
Blood Builder Green Juice
Makes 2 litres

Green Flat Tummy Juice
Makes 1 litre
For more recipes please search through the Alkaline blog:
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Eat Well! Be Well & Enjoy Life!
With Love,
Niki Angelopoulos
Naturopath & Live Blood Microscopist
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